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Spirituality in Summertime

by: Allison Ramirez / Bulletin

Summer is officially here! For many, summer is a time to slow down and refresh, and parish programs largely break to plan for the upcoming year. While we journey into these summer days, how can we continue to grow and live out our faith in light of new routines? Below are several suggestions!

Prayer never takes a summer break! One’s prayer life is the lifeblood for faith. Developing a personal relationship with Jesus happens when we speak to him often in prayer about the joys, struggles, hopes, and requests of our lives, spend time in silence, and learn and recite beautiful and timeless prayers of the church. I have begun praying with the Hallow app, currently the #1 Catholic prayer app. There are numerous novenas, audiobooks, meditations, reflections, Bible stories, music playlists, and more to deepen your faith and allow you to listen while you’re laying out on the beach, enjoying a backyard BBQ, or taking a walk or hike.

Besides prayer, continuing to attend mass weekly during the summer is so important. Whether you’re on the road traveling, visiting relatives, or even going out of the country, the beauty of our faith is that you can find a Catholic church anywhere you go. Visiting a new parish is always a unique opportunity to encounter the same Christ in communion while learning from the different artwork, homily style, and congregation than you are accustomed to at your home parish.

Join a summer study or take the initiative in forming your own! Reach out to other family members, friends, or parishioners who might be interested in joining you for a summer book study, Bible study, or just coming together throughout the summer to share how you’re doing in your faith. The warm summer months are great opportunities to invite others to your backyard or around your kitchen table for fellowship in faith—supporting and encouraging one another to continue praying regularly, attending weekly mass, and participating in faith studies to keep close to Christ and his church.

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